Saturday, September 24, 2011


Such harrowing sorrow
for one so young.
Her dog taken this morning,
now she sleeps with the loss.

A woman sells a ring,
a loss forces the sale.
She sells it online, under

Loss loves a party;
my friend,
her daughter,
their just rescued dog.
A stranger selling a ring.
A father losing his job.

These losses remind me
of my dad dying young,
my mom’s distant memory,
my name lost in the fog;
all lost
in this loss.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


They ordered you to stay put,
but you ran over the bridge,
straight into the fire.

They told you to go home,
yet you stayed three days,
without any sleep.

I call you a hero,
but you wave it off
with a “who, not me.”

NY honors their heroes,
you say, “I just don't get it,
we were just doing our jobs.”